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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Janet Jackson Endorses Blackglama: Fur Flies

By A. Scott Walton
The planet yawned, yesterday, in response to the first credible report that Janet Jackson will soon appear in glossy ads endorsing Blackglama furs.
Frankly, so did I.
I waited a full day after reading the news from WWD to comment; because if People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) didn't lodge a protest, it wouldn't be news. Would it?
A day late, and a relevancy quotient short, a PETA spokesperson's statement finally started circulating around certain blogs saying that Miss Jackson took the luxury fur endorsement deal because her career is declining and she's "desperate".
If PETA can't even get people riled up about the massacre of non-commercial wildlife in the wake of the BP oil spill, how much impact can the have on the fashion fur industry right now? Who's truly desperate?
WWD answered the most intriguing question related to the story: Yes, Janet did get to keep the furs she modeled.
To this Eye, the only problem with the "What Becomes A Legend Most" ad Jackson appears in for Blackglama is that is doesn't go far enough to link the stark, surreal imagery of the "Scream" music video she shot eons ago with her dearly departed brother, Michael.
Entertainment Tonight - Video: Janet strikes a pose
Now that would have caught people's attention...
Agree or disagree?

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