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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grillin' and Chillin': Part 1

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Where there's smoke, there's...ouch!
By A. Scott Walton
The last time I checked, "BBQ Tips" was fourth on the list of topics "trending" on Yahoo!; right behind "Tight Pants Ban", "Danica Patrick" and "Todd Bridges".
Oil spill? What oil spill? That's not even in the top 10!
And on the eve of what many men consider the official start of grilling season, the Food Channel's airing (of all things) a marathon series about top chefs cooking for celebrities' vegetarian pets!
So, as a public service, ESS is pausing for the cause, and pointing out that there are reliable sources of info out there to keep you from scorching your meat _ literally and figuratively _ this Memorial Day.
For solid info, check out what the National Barbecue Association, has to say about getting out of a pinch. If you've got the cash and time to squander, round up the items on Esquire magazine's "2010 Eat Like A Man Grilling Awards" list.
Either that, or just simmer down for four short minutes and watch EyeSeeStyle's exclusive interview with Atlanta's hottest new barbecue guru, Andrew Capron of Boners BBQ, and savor the flavor.
In the meantime, here's our holiday menu:
Smoked spare ribs with a vinaigrette reduction sauce...mango slaw with blue cheese dressing...garlic roasted red potatoes...watermelon smoothies...nap.
What you got cookin'? Feel free to share in the COMMENT BOX below...

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