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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Atlanta Denim Fiends Get A Nudie Show!

Does this latest cry for attention from Calvin Klein Jeans offend you?
If so, join the online screeching that seems to be gaining volume now that there's a billboard towering over Manhattan's SoHo district that depicts the sort of amorous "artistic license" that folks in the fly-over states assume that neighborhood's known for.
And if the latest entreaty from the Virginia-Highland's Bill Hallman boutique reaches your inbox, treat it as "Safe for Work". It may say it's an invitation to a "Nudie Show" Thursday evening, but it's merely an opportunity to go and watch skinny models meander around in designer jeans that are dyed and stitched dark and tight so that the wearers' true "fit" shows through over time.
As Nudie's web site proclaims: "(We're) naked truth about denim. Denim has the ability to age beautifully – formed by its user into a second skin, naked and personal. The longer it lives the more character it gets. The indigo is a living colour that fades and gives the denim its character. The more you wear your jeans the more beautiful they get. Jeans are more than just a piece of clothing."
The Calvin Klein Jeans motto has always seemed more succinct: SEX SELLS!
Which message appeals most to you?

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