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Monday, January 19, 2009

Will Jackie O. Meet 'Jackie Brown'?

As soon as the news that everyone's aching to learn breaks, every media outlet in the world will focus on what Michelle Obama wears to the inauguration of her husband. The Washington Post's Pulitzer Prize winning scribe Robin Givhan is likely to get the first word.
But that won't keep EyeSeeStyle from speculating on who designed the next First Lady's attire as soon as it's glimpsed.

It could be argued that our fascination with First Lady fashion is pointless.

But that doesn't keep ESS from wondering what a spectacle it would be if Mrs. O somehow managed to combine all the assets of Soul Sister No. 1 (Pam Grier, for argument's sake) with (arguably) the most stylist First Lady of all time, Jackie Kennedy.

"Jackie Brown" star Pam Grier in her hey-day: CULTSIRENS.COM

Our new First Lady, Michelle Obama, who'll soon be the fashion's 'most-watched woman' of all time. FLICKR/Tim Llewellyn/NHForWomen

Iconic First Lady Jackie Kennedy: LIBRARISING.COM

The clock's ticking...click back to EyeSeeStyle for the discussion to ensue.

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